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Thanks for making the game. It was weird but it was an experience lol. I hope you approve of my play and have a great day. 


I honestly have no idea what I just experienced! that said, I was entirely entertained :D


This was actually really good, the concept was great, and everything about it was pretty fun, that musical show was....something lol, over all good work :)

I absolutely loved this gem! Totally different then what I am used too. The musical Showtune was an absolute hit. I loved that part. This game definitely has a place in my heart!


I have been so drastically enlightened by the self-aware talking fish that I can hardly compose an adequate enough sentence to display how utterly dull my life has been before discovering the profound reverence of the talented tongue-eating louse and its scaly host. 

 ( I just wanted to sound smart like the fish )



HOLY COW. This game was BRILLIANT! I sang the entire musical too! 

Very STRANGE! But this one really made me think about conviction and sticking to what you believe is right, and I think that's a super cool message to get from a good, weird game!


Ever wanted to live out your fantasy of being a sardine, well now you can. However there is a twist, you need to figure out if you're going up or down with no context.

The best part of the game was the small musical with the tongue parasite, I thought that was pretty comedical. But towards the end I was confused, I guess in the end no matter what choices we make or what tragedies we go through we are just a fat blob of flesh, muscle, and bone.


I super enjoyed this, it had a specific style that was hard to describe but super endearing, and the message running behind everything really clicked with me. Nice piece, looking forward to more of your work :)


I did not expect this to take a twist at the end, but this game was really good! The song and dance bit was especially funny! Great mechanics and design! 


I didn't know what to expect going in, but this still somehow surprised me.


yeah very weird and bazar game but still non the less I enjoyed it that song at 10mins in is going to catch on nice 

This was a strange and interesting game. I enjoyed it. Keep up the good work! 


Up! Up! Up!


LOVE the funky jazz parasite!!!


This is the best kind of confusion.
(2 edits) (+1)

This was a wild ride that can be confusing at some points, but in a great way. Instead of trying to understand it, just let it happen. It is your fate anyways. Overall, this experience is very creative, unique, and of course disturbing at some moments. Well done, dev!

I was really confused, yet amazed by the singing parasite, there is no point in time in which I would load a game and expect a musical number. Such a funny and absurd game, good job.

wierd but nice game, can you subscribe my channel?


Not gonna lie, I have no clue what I just played. Nevertheless, the experience was interesting and still has me asking questions.


This is one of the coolest things I've ever experienced. Seriously amazing!


cool game but got stuck in this sink :( 

Sorry that you got stuck :(

Just pushed a patch fixing it


man. I’m still scratching my head on this one. I enjoyed the utter strangeness of it all, but still enjoyed my time with it especially the song/dance

. Thanks for the experience. 

This game was pretty good. Liked the gameplay mechanics they were definitely unique. And the graphics aren't bad either. Made a video on it.


Weird concept with a well designed environment and NPCs can really push it to a great game and you really nailed it. Thank you for making this!


oh cool, i think i saw this game on the unity subreddit. felt really cool to play, a bit short though i feel like. and i feel like it would’ve benefited from some other mechanic other than just walking and making decisions. although it was really cool, and i enjoyed the atmosphere.


Ok hay partes bastante asquerosas, gracias por el juego y el mini trauma 

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creepy story


Impressive visuals. I love weird games like this.


It was a lot of fun! The talking reminded me of Katamari, it has a great retro vibe and the world is super interesting to look at. It took a while for the message to click in my brain but it's a really cool way to bring awareness to how our pollution is mistreating fish and ultimately killing ourselves.


Thank you for playing! Your fumble with the button was priceless.

does it have a 32 bits ver?


Very good! The graphics really gives this unsettling vibe to it. The atmosphere were also creepy.


When trying to download via the itch desktop launcher, it fails with an error that says it can't get the build info.

Hmm, I'll update the build and see if that fixes the issue. Sorry for the trouble! You can also play it on Steam if you keep having trouble. Sorry again!

I already have it in my steam library thank you.
I like to test the functionality of games in the itch client, as developers don't get much feedback with that.

I'll watch for the update and let you know if it is fixed.


setting that file's platform to "windows" should fix that!

Confirmed working here.
The desktop client now downloads and launches the game.


The fish controlled really well. The musical number needs some work.


well i kinda have these crazy theories about the game and i helped you with performing the song :D hope you enjoy the show !


I love the voice you gave the parasite. Thanks for playing and the laughs!


glad you enjoyed it and para was the star of the show for sure !!!


A really interesting game with engaging writing and a surreal setting. Awesome sound design and music too!


Thank you, Joshua! I feel very accomplished when you like anything I make hehe

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

Hello, the game is not working. Would love to play it, thanks


Hello, sorry! It should be fixed now, sorry for the delay. If it's still giving you trouble please try on steam:

Thank you and hope you like it!


Hello, your game is not working. You attached only exe file.


Hello, sorry! It should be fixed now, sorry for the delay. If it's still giving you trouble please try on steam:

Thank you and hope you like it!

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